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About the FPVA
The Frisco Police Volunteers Association is a dynamic group of men and women who Live, Work and Play in Frisco, Texas. We are educators, former Law enforcement, business and technology leaders who support the Frisco Police Department in delivering on its Mission and Vision.
Established in 2001 we are consistently the largest contributor of volunteer hours in the entire city. In 2014 members donated over 3,000 hours and were recognized by the city with several top awards including Volunteer of the Year for 2014.
After completing comprehensive training the FPVA citizen volunteers complete at least 8 hours of patrol per month.
Citizen volunteers perform:
Support in a variety of administration duties inside the Police Dept such as front desk assistance, records, jail, etc.
Traffic control for minor and major accident scenes (setting up barricades and outer perimeter help)
Provide assistance for parades and festivals (Jimmy Buffet Concert, Christmas Parade, Edge Fest, etc.)
Handle special enforcement requests, such as school zone patrol, handicap-parking violations, and traffic diversion.
"Open Garage Door" patrols
Parking lot patrols for deterrent of theft and damage.
Special event support as designated by the FPD
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